Archives for December 2015

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Pastor Scott's New Year's Resolution for YOU


Pastor Scott's New Year's Resolution for You View/Print this as a PDF here! 12 Biblical reasons to be fired up about reading your Bible regularly in 2016: 1. January: I want to revitalize my spiritual life Psalm 19:7- The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. 1 Timothy 4:8-For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it ho...

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Christmas Trees, gifts, and candy canes - is there any Christian meaning to Christmas symbols?


You may be surprised to hear that not everything in Christmas is strictly commercialized. Although these days fake Christmas trees are being sold in October and billions of dollars are spent during the season, plenty cultural Christmas symbols have significant meaning in Christian tradition. Here are a few little known facts about popular Christmas staples. What does a Ch...

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What Should You Do With Santa?


As a kid, I grew up enjoying the fun and friendly notion of Santa. One Christmas tradition brought us annually to the mall for a night of dinner, presents, and of course holiday pictures with Santa Claus. As the oldest of four boys, I was the one trying to convince my younger brothers that Santa was not nearly as scary as he looked. On Christmas Eve, I remember getting rea...

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