Archives for July 2015

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What Makes Harvest Small Groups Different?

In the early church, it used to be a lot simpler. You'd meet in the temple courts for corporate worship and house to house for small groups (Acts 2:46). Two ministries done with excellence that fueled their mission-minded emphasis as they scattered into their spheres of influence to proclaim the excellencies of him who called them out of darkness and into his marvelous lig...

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Is Baptism About You… Or About Jesus?

At Harvest, we LOVE baptism. It's a big celebration for our church family to see what God has been doing in people's lives. Thus far, baptism celebrations are a mix of new Christians proclaiming their faith in Jesus but also folks who have been Christians for perhaps many years, but never really understood why it mattered so much that they get baptized. At our most recent ...

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What Does an Associate Pastor Do?

"What do you do?" This question was posed to me by a teenager at Harvest last week. I had hired 2 students to help me move some things from my house to the dump in Lincoln, and while we were driving one of them asked me what my job was. When I told him I worked full time at Harvest as the Associate Pastor, he looked a little confused and then asked (politely), "What do you...

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Top 5 reasons you need to participate in All-Church Prayer

1. Get out of your comfort zone Prayer can be an awkward practice for many. Some think you have to be super spiritual to pray out loud. Others think you have to pray in King James language for God to listen. Others prefer a really quiet, somber voice. The truth is, God just wants you. All of you, with your regular voice, your normal day to day realities, and your heart to...

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SALT Summer Camp Recap

By Brad Dawson, SALT Co-Leader Last week many of our Jr High/High school students embarked on Harvest Summer Camp "Uncommon15". It was an unbelievable experience for all who went. 8 churches and a total of 300 Students/Leaders made the trip . There were ridiculous games, great food, ear shattering music, and everything else a student could want from camp. From day one, li...

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