Archives for March 2016

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5 Tips for Spiritual Spring Cleaning


Spring cleaning. Some love it, most hate it. It's about cleaning out your gutters or taking out the lint from that gray accordion looking thing behind the dryer. Love it or hate it, you know you need to do it. But, there is more than one type of spring cleaning you should consider this year. Have you ever thought about Spiritual Spring Cleaning? It's the check-the-heart a...

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Does God ever give you more than you can handle?


"God will never give you more than you can handle." Have you ever heard that before? Sounds Christian enough... but is it even in the Bible? Truth is, the passage this phrase is based off of has nothing to do with storms or difficulties; it's actually talking about temptation. When the storms come, our comfort isn't "God will never give you more than you can handle." It...

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