October 12, 2022
by Chris Hill
Start by reading Philippians 3:12-21
Philippians is such an inspirational and encouraging book. As we've learned, the letter of Paul to the Philippians was written from prison and verses 12-16 of chapter 3 describe Paul's progress in the Gospel: Through Christ, Not the Law. Paul emphasizes the need for progress in Christian living, presenting himself as one who continuall...
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October 12, 2022
by Jeremy Gauthier
Start by reading Philippians 4:1-9
After Paul's pastoral heart overflows again with love and longing for his beloved church family, his joy and his crown, he reminds them to stand firm in the Lord. He calls for disputing members to agree that going to heaven is far greater than whatever their disputing over. We are then commanded to rejoice, rejoice in the Lord always tha...
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October 12, 2022
by Michael Pagan
Start by reading Philippians 4:10-23
In this passage, Paul is concluding his letter. He ends it by thanking the Philippian church for partnering with him financially. It seems that they were one of the only churches that cared enough to take up an offering for him, and Paul wants to recognize their gift and give a little theology to undergird their generosity.And in Verse...
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October 12, 2022
by Ian Dawson
Start by reading Jude 1-4
Jude immediately separates the church into two groups by only addressing those "called beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ" (v. 1). "Kept" refers to those in the church, the church being the betrothed bride of Christ. Unlike other letters in the New Testament where the author addresses all his listeners or simply begins his messag...
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October 12, 2022
by Max Monaghan
Start by reading Jude 5-16
Last week, we learned that Jude has written to this congregation to urge them to "contend for the faith" in the midst of false teachers surfacing within the church. This week we get a full-on account of what these people were all about. What's interesting is that the only insight we're given into what they're actually teaching, is a brief statem...
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October 12, 2022
by Chris Hill
Start by reading Jude 17-23.
By now you know Jude is a one-chapter book right before Revelation. It is the5thsmallest book in the Bible, yet one of the most potent in exposing doctrinal errors and false teachers. Jude warns against following those who have surreptitiously gained entry into the church and are perverting the one true faith with false teaching.
In verses 17...
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October 12, 2022
by Tom Caldie
Start by reading Jude 24-25
Hello Church! I'm Tom Caldie, and today in Jude, we're going to be looking at his doxology.
If you don't know what adoxologyis, it'san expression that ascribes praise specifically to God.These two amazing verses ascribe a tremendous amount of truth and praise to God.
Have you ever noticed that we tend to overlook doxologies? We typically look...
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October 12, 2022
by Jeremy Gauthier
Begin by reading Romans 12:1-2
Before we parachute into chapter 12 of Romans, I thought it might be helpful for context to ask ourselves what the "therefore" is there for in verse 1, especially since Paul is appealing to the reader, on the grounds of mercy, to be living sacrifices. Some topics previously covered so far by Paul in Romans, were first the bad news of humanit...
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October 12, 2022
by Max Monaghan
Start by reading Romans 12:3-8
Last week we got an excellent preface to our text today. We were reminded of all the doctrine Paul poured out in chapters 1-11, and how we are to respond to those teachings by living holy, sacrificial lives in service to God according to His will, which is found in His word.
Right out the gate in verse 3, Paul pulls the Apostle trump card b...
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October 12, 2022
by Chris Hill
Start by reading Romans 12:9-13
In a time when people from all backgrounds and walks of life are looking for ways to respond to the current events isn't it awesome that we can be joyful in knowing we have God's word for direction? For this devotional we will look at how we can demonstrate the Marks of the True Christian according to today's passage. Romans 12:9-13 says
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October 12, 2022
by Michael Pagan
Start by reading Romans 12:14-21
This passage asks one major question: what do you do when the world mistreats you?
In John 15:18, Jesus tells us we're going to be hated because the world hates him. What do you do in that situation?Here's Paul's answer: support one another and humbly bear up under it, trusting that the Lord will take vengeance.
He gives us two ways to d...
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