Doxa Church COVID-19 Update 3/31/2020
Doxa Church,
In light of the extended social distancing guidelines suggested by our President, we will continue to have church in our homes at least through April. We know and trust that God will use this time for His Glory and our good regardless of where we are worshipping.
We want to let you know about a few new things that will be coming out this week and next week online to train us to set our hearts and minds on the things of Christ in our present circumstances. Starting this Thursday and continuing through April, our pastoral interns will be writing devotionals taking us through the book of Philippians. We will be sending them out every Tuesday and Thursday on social media. You can sign up to get them emailed to you here.
We will also be memorizing one verse together as a church each week for the month of April, so make sure to follow our posts on social media. That will be starting Monday 4/6.
Additionally, efforts are currently forming to mobilize in several different ways to serve our community. This includes making face masks and other supplies for our hospitals to use, providing care packages for health care workers, and meals for kids who usually eat at school. Please stay tuned for updates on our continued efforts - if you would like to jump in now and help with sewing masks, please email, and he will get you connected with our team.
Small groups are our primary means of care at Doxa, and we encourage everyone to continue to engage with their small groups online via video chat and make a special effort during this time to care for the needs of others in your group. If you aren’t currently in a small group, please sign up here.
Doxa Students will continue to meet online; you can learn about that here. Doxa Kids will continue to put out curriculum and videos for you to go through with your children on Sunday mornings.
We love you church,
Doxa Staff and Elders
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