Financial Update 2016/2017

As we close out another fiscal year and look forward to another year of ministry, I stand amazed at all that God has accomplished through this church in just a few short years. I have always been convinced that if we go after the things on God’s heart, God will take care of the things on our heart. And look what he has done: the ministries that have been built, the staff that has been hired, the partnership in local and global missions that have been arranged. I hope you’ll join me in a prayer of thanksgiving to our Lord for His faithfulness.
That being said, we have no intentions of taking our foot off the gas pedal of God’s mission as we look to our next fiscal ministry year. And with more opportunity and more church development comes the need for more financial generosity. We are so close to providing a solid infrastructure for all the various ministries at Harvest. In our 2016-2017 budget year, you will see an increased number that will go to a few key areas that we trust will be encouraging to you all. First of all, we are in need of making 2 pastoral hires. We are seeking the Lord for a Pastor of Students and Young Adults and a Worship Pastor that can both come on and carry the weight of what has each become full time ministries. We want to continue to build a culture that attracts the best employees with a work hard, pay well mentality. Additionally, we seek to be as aggressive as possible in saving for the building fund and want to continue to make even larger strides in that direction this year. At the same time, we plan to give generously to local and global works seeking to plant churches through Harvest Bible Fellowship, preach the gospel, and love people to Jesus. Finally, we would love to strengthen the support given to our internal ministries and give greater freedom to our HisKids Director, Denise James, to build a thriving disciple making ministry for our children.
Please pray about how you can continue to give generously to the mission of making disciples to the glory of God at Harvest. When we all work together for the same goal of glorifying God, we can trust that, “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).
You are loved,
Pastor Scott
Explaining HBC’s 2016-2017 budget:
Annual Budget: $750,000
Monthly need: $62,500
Weekly average needed: $14,423
Understanding each category:
Salaries and Wages:
- This includes all current employees and the anticipated hiring of 2 more pastors by January 2017.
- We are a giving church and will continue giving generously through monthly contributions to Harvest Bible Fellowship for church planting around the world. Additionally, funds are allocated for local giving opportunities as they arise.
General operating:
- This includes such areas as education, travel expenses, technology purchases and subscriptions, office expenses, and facility rental and associated purchases
Ministry Operations:
- The sum of allocated resources for all our various and growing ministries to continue to grow, purchase necessary equipment and teaching resources, and run highly effective disciple-making ministries
Land Fund:
- Our goal is to set aside $70,000 of general giving this year towards the land fund (or future building fund) as the Lord would allow us to do.
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