More Resources on Social Justice and the Gospel

We want this page to be a resource for you to continue to learn, to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and to be prepared to live as a faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ during these times. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but we pray it will be a valuable tool for you to have a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Finally, we hope that you are able to gain a greater awareness of how subtle, yet how serious, the differences can be between a version of the “social justice gospel” compared to the beauty of a God glorifying, biblically faithful, true presentation of the gospel.
Blogs and Articles:
Coronavirus and the Carnival of Judgment
God’s Word in Godless Times, or the Appearance of Godliness in Signaling Virtue
Minneapolis is Burning and Black Privilege
On the Prescription of Secular Analytical Tools
Pagan America Dressed in Christianity
Race/Ethnicity: Explanation on the Statement on Social Justice
Racism: The Sticker on the Rotten Fruit
Ethnic Gnosticism, Voddie Baucham
Defining Social Justice, Voddie Baucham
"Gospel Freedom” by Trinity Evangelical Church
Hollow and Deceptive Philosophies, Tom Ascol
Racial Reconciliation, Voddie Baucham
White Privilege: The New Original Sin, Tom Ascol
Audio and Video content:
America Needs a Dad - The Sword and the Trowel Podcast
America’s New Religion… and how to stay Christian - The Sword and the Trowel Podcast
Crucial Conversations: Justice, Race, and the Gospel - Great Commission Collective
George Floyd and the Gospel - Just Thinking Podcast
Racial Reconciliation? - Just Thinking Podcast
When Forgiveness Isn’t Woke Enough - Just Thinking Podcast
Whiteness - Just Thinking Podcast
Why I can’t support #BlackLivesMatter and I don’t think you should either - podcast #19
More in Doxa Blog
October 12, 2022
Romans 12:14-21 DevotionalOctober 12, 2022
Jude 17-23 DevotionalOctober 12, 2022
Philippians 4:10-23 Devotional