Philippians 1:1-18 Devotional
Start by reading Philippians 1:1-18
Paul’s letter to the Philippian church is all about the gospel. He identifies them as his partner in the spread of the gospel, and now that he is in prison he is asking them to join with him all the more to spread the gospel.
In the midst of that plea, he tells all of us something profound: Jesus misses his people. Did you know that? Were you aware that Jesus misses his people right now? That is precisely what Paul tells us in verse 8: “For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.” In the Greek, it literally says, “the guts of Christ Jesus.” The belly is where we feel our strongest feelings, and Paul is telling us that Jesus has that same gut-level feeling for his church, the bride that he bought with his blood.
See, when the eternal Son took on flesh, the God who lacks nothing and misses nothing became a man who can miss us like a husband misses his wife. We are not in heaven with Jesus—but He wants us to be!
This is a profound truth, and it is critically important because we are in a time where we are separated from one another. We miss the fellowship of the church, of family members that we can’t travel to right now, of friends, and of others, and there’s a chance that things are going to get a lot worse. In a time like this, we need a Savior who is not disconnected from us and from our needs, but rather a Savior who we can lean on because He is like us in all things, except without sin. Jesus knows what it’s like to miss people. He is with us in our suffering right now, because while we miss one another, He does too!
So Doxa, stay in. Work remotely. Shelter-in-place knowing that because of the gospel, Jesus knows your suffering. We can miss one another righteously, because Jesus is in heaven missing us.
If you’d like to dwell on this more, I recommend Psalm 13. You could read it, or even better–you could sing it by following this link.
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