Philippians 4:1-9 Devotional
Start by reading Philippians 4:1-9
After Paul’s pastoral heart overflows again with love and longing for his beloved church family, his joy and his crown, he reminds them to stand firm in the Lord. He calls for disputing members to agree that going to heaven is far greater than whatever their disputing over. We are then commanded to rejoice, rejoice in the Lord always that is, not in circumstances, but in Christ. When Christ is our supreme treasure, we will rejoice. If we are in Christ, we will be gentle like him and always joyful. We become what we behold. We take on the characteristics of what we esteem most. We act like what we worship. Let us behold the glory of Jesus and let that be known to all.
Paul then says to not be anxious about anything! While anxiety is a very present reality of being human in this world, it is not something we have to live with or accept as the norm. Paul gives us some very practical things to do when anxiety begins to surface in our lives. We are going to look at some of those now from verses 4-7.
First remedy for anxiety we see Paul point us to is, forward. The Lord is at hand! He’s coming again! This was as much a motivation then if not more for us now to take our eyes off the unstable immediate and set our eyes on the horizon. He will fix everything that is broken and hurting. He will wipe away every tear and take away every pain. So let us not live anxiously from the moment but in the moment according to that glorious day when we will see Him face to face. The Lord is at hand!
Second way to remedy anxiousness is prayer! All types of prayers and requests and supplications about any and all things. Go to God about everything first. Tell Him about your worries, needs, cares. When we go vertical first, we can let our gentleness, joy, and peace be made known to all.
Third way to remedy anxiousness is thankfulness and gratitude! We of all people have the most to be thankful for. God is good and we are not, yet as undeserving as we are, He still loves and cares for us. He invites us to tell Him about every need and concern we have even though He already knows, even better than us, what we need and feel.
Fourth remedy for anxiousness is God’s peace which surpasses understanding. His peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ, who is our peace. Our thoughts and feelings are what motivate us to act and do and if left unguarded determine how we live. God’s peace will guard us and guide us towards prudence and peace in life’s tough choices.
We can always rejoice, in the Lord. And as a sovereign antidote for every anxious care or worry Paul prescribes for us constant prayer joined with thanksgiving. When we go vertical, Christ, who is our peace, will guard our hearts and minds in Him. Our joy, gentleness and peace will be evident to a world that’s desperately chasing the wind for theirs. In John 14:27, Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.” And for more from Jesus to remedy anxiousness, read Matthew 6:25-36, and in obedience to Jesus, “Let us seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Amen!
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