Parents: Sign up for the 2025 Kids Catechism Cohort here!

Work: It's what we do


Every Sunday afternoon, as I get ready to drive away from Harvest Bible Chapel, I stop and thank God for the amazing grace and love He showers on us. I think back on the faces of my brothers and sisters in Christ who were lifted up and transformed by our time in worship. I think of the happy faces of little ones running eagerly to HisKids, our children’s ministry, where they learn about how Jesus loves them. I thank God for his Word, and for the life-changing messages preached from it every week.

And while you may love these things about our church as well, I feel I have a fairly unique perspective on Sundays. Every Sunday afternoon I just sit for a bit, overwhelmed and truly humbled by the gracious and loving hearts of Harvest volunteers. And while true by definition, the word volunteer doesn’t really capture the servant’s hearts resonating in the people who work tirelessly each Sunday to serve the Lord and our Harvest church family.

As I serve alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ each week one thing is clear: when we are doing the Lord’s work together, crazy beautiful things can happen. As we work for Christ, serving others in the church, we are more closely transformed into the image of Jesus. People from various walks of life who would never cross paths have become lifelong friends. Folks who felt their lives were empty or unfulfilled have found purpose and a deeper sense of Christ’s love in serving others.

Your life can change dramatically when you begin to serve in church and engage with God’s people. Funny enough there is no magical formula for this transformation in our lives. We just have to do it, to serve others the way Jesus served us, with love. And there is no job too large OR too small. Mark sets up chairs early Sunday mornings, praying as he goes for the people who will sit there, praying for non-believers to be saved and for new believers to be transformed by Christ. Ruth had always loved Jesus, but was new to our church and not really involved. Now she greets folks Sunday morning as they come to worship, and shares Christ’s love with everyone as she welcomes them into our Harvest family.

Honestly there are too many people to name, working together for Christ on any given Sunday, but every one of them would tell you they get more than they give from serving our living God. We want you to be one of those people, one of our church family who is regularly blessed by serving the Lord through Harvest.

We have many serving opportunities available at Harvest, a few of which are listed here:

His Kids………………………..Sharing the love of Jesus with children
Setup Ministry………………Building a church early Sunday morning
Teardown Ministry…...…..Taking down a church early Sunday afternoon
Greeter Ministry……………Warmly welcoming people to Harvest
Usher Ministry………………Making people comfortable in the service

Please click here for a full listing and short descriptions of the different serving roles available, and know that as we grow the needs of the church will grow as well.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding serving at Harvest, I will be happy to work with you to find the right fit or explain the greatest needs of the moment. I am always open to suggestion and feedback. My main mission is to help people become more connected to Jesus through the church, and I believe serving others at Harvest is one of the best possible ways to do that.

You are LOVED!

Mike Spiro
Director of Assimilation