Doxa Church Diaconate Ministry 


The Diaconate is a ministry of mercy designed to help people in Doxa’s congregation who are in crisis or in challenging circumstances by offering help in assessing their needs and working together to find solutions. Unlike the Elders, who are responsible for doctrine, direction and discipline, the Diaconate focuses on deed ministry by extending mercy and compassion.

God's mercy moves Him to relieve suffering and misery. Mercy is the impulse that makes us sensitive to hurts and lacks in others and makes us desire to alleviate them. Our purpose is to show God's love and mercy by trying to help people out of difficult circumstances and to be facilitators of the work God is doing in their lives.

Deacons and Deaconesses:

  • Practically assist and encourage Doxa Church members and regular attenders who are in challenging circumstances
  • Conduct various other administrative and operational tasks and roles as needed by the Elders.

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 The Diaconate - a group of men (deacons) and women (deaconesses) who are nominated, trained, and installed by Doxa Church elders and members - exists to assist the elders in care of Christ’s church and contribute to the building of a vibrant discipleship community through loving, truth-telling relationships where practical, visible needs are being met, and hearts are being changed through encounters with Jesus and one another. We express in practical ways Christ's command to all believers to love our neighbor as ourselves. 




The Mission of Doxa’s Diaconate: 

Helping people through Authentic Discipleship


Growing disciples go through a continual process - sanctification, which means becoming more and more like Christ. At Doxa, we believe that includes being involved in our discipleship process of Worshiping Christ, Walking with Christ, and Working for Christ. 

This discipleship and care is worked out in ministry to one another, and our primary means of developing these gifts and building up and serving one another is through our Small Group Ministry. These intentional, smaller communities are our primary means of care and support for Doxa members and attendees. Small Group Leaders should always be informed of important care needs before reaching out to the Diaconate.

Diaconate Care is generally available to those who are not in a Small Group or for needs that are larger than a Small Group is able to handle alone. 

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Serve on a Deacon Team



How We Help


Church members and regular attendees can receive help in many ways. Below are a few examples:

  • Prayer, spiritual guidance, and accountability
  • Care groups for difficult life events, such as a death in the family
  • Physical needs met (handyman projects/jobs, chores, etc.)
  • Prepared meals for congregants with special circumstances
  • Emergency assistance for basic living expenses (rent, food, utilities, medical,etc.)
  • Biblical stewardship and budgeting guidance
  • Links to support services in our local area

From the moment we first meet our care recipients, we are focused on helping someone who is undergoing hardship. 

We acknowledge that the only one we truly lean on to accomplish this is Jesus Christ and that we cannot effectively help anyone spiritually or otherwise without Him. We offer practical help in several ways, including helping you connect with available resources, assisting with counseling, helping with budgeting, providing emotional and spiritual support, and extending financial aid.

Your work with us will be temporary and short-term; our goal is to see your situation change over time until you no longer require our assistance. Deacons and deaconesses generally work towards this end by guiding you to manage your budget responsibly, plan for the future, seek employment, resolve conflicts, mend relationships, seek God’s community, and know and obey God in all areas of your life. We hope that as you grow closer to the Lord, you will find the strength, wisdom, and grace to experience change.

The Diaconate is funded entirely by the faithful generosity of those who call Doxa Church home. We are, therefore, accountable to the congregation to be wise stewards of the resources God has given us through his people. Because our funding is limited, we direct financial support to the neediest within the congregation.




Getting Diaconate Care


The Diaconate serves only those in crisis or challenging situations within the Doxa congregation.

If you are in need of practical help, you can submit a request form and a deacon or deaconess will reach out to you within 48 hours. You will be asked some basic questions that we ask everyone who calls for assistance so that we can assess how to best help. The information you share with us will be kept confidential. Please keep in mind due to limited resources; the Diaconate cannot take on all requests for assistance. If you have an immediate need, you can call the number provided below.

  1. Contact us

You can fill out the Diaconate Care Form here, or for immediate needs, you can call: 916-966-2243 extension 107

  1. Assessment

The Diaconate team determines whether to accept your care request based on a list of criteria (such as Doxa Church affiliation, type of need, and asset information).

  1. Getting care

You will be assigned a deacon, deaconess or a pair of deacons and deaconesses depending on your needs once you have been accepted. We aim to partner with you and see your situation change over time until you no longer need our assistance. This partnership is a two-way street. We expect you to be honest with us and fully disclose your financial situation. You can expect us to strive to understand you, encourage and love you in Christ, provide for your basic needs when appropriate, and pray for and with you.



 Financial Care


Doxa Church congregants have given generously to enable the Diaconate to provide financial assistance to those in our church community who are in need.

Information on financial assistance

If you are seeking financial assistance, we may first ask to go over your budget with you. Requests will be considered based on your basic living needs. Each request for financial assistance goes through a review process sometimes involving several people. You may be asked to consider letting go of nonessential living expenses before assistance is approved. Financial assistance may continue over time; however, it would be with the intent of reducing and eventually discontinuing our financial assistance when appropriate. The Diaconate occasionally provides long-term financial assistance but does not provide loans under any circumstances, nor does it compensate for individual business risks. Please understand that financial assistance is not guaranteed, and that the Diaconate is not always able to provide it.

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