At Doxa Church, we desire to be open about how the funds entrusted to us are spent and strive to be above reproach in all things related to the receiving and spending of church funds.  From the beginning, our people have been phenomenally generous to the ministries of Doxa, such that we continue to invest in ministries, staff, operations, and give generously out of our resources to further God's Kingdom around the world.  




Explaining Doxa's 2020-2021 budget:

Annual Budget: $2,400,000

Monthly Need Averages:
Jul-Sept = $172,391
Oct-Dec = $219,198
Jan-Mar = $211,185
Apr-Jun = $195,558


Why does the church budget increase each year?

As Doxa has grown, the ministry has grown along with it.  With growing ministries comes increased need for infrastructure, staff leadership, resources, and various administrative realities as well (technology, support, etc).  We are grateful the Lord has seen fit each year to allow us to increase our budget in order to reflect the growth of the church, and we have mostly been able to anticipate new staff positions ahead of time in order to grow while staying within our approved budget.  


Understanding each category:

Church ministries = 10%

  • This is the total of the operational budgets for our various ministries. It does not include the salary/wages of the staff who lead or direct them, but rather is made up of the resources needed to run and grow the ministries.

Human Resources = 47%

  • This is the total of our salaries and wages, housing allowance, insurance and retirement, and staff development.

Facilities = 24%

  • This is the estimated total of our costs for anything related to our building such as our loan on the building and any utilities and maintenance.

General Operating = 9%

  • This category describes a variety of operational necessities, including office operations and supplies, online giving fees, an external stewardship review, safety and security, Sunday morning expenses, and technology/video/media expenses. 

Great Commission Giving = 10%

  • We desire to be a generous church and Great Commission Giving conveys our goal of generous giving to take care of those within our church when needs arise, faithfully saving for future church planting efforts, and general giving and generosity. 

Monthly report for 2020-2021 Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30):

July:  $136,860
August:  $208,540
September:  $179,651
October:  $166,663
November:  $224,590
December:  $416,503
January:  $201,554
February: $267,543
March: $315,263
April: $366,531
May: $371,094
June: $375,757

Year To Date ahead/behind budget:  +36% 


If you are a member of Doxa Church and have any questions about these numbers or about our budget, please contact Pastor Chris at

Learn more about giving online.