Prayer at Doxa

At Doxa, we aim to have a church-wide culture of passionate prayer, and we live this out in three different ways:

  • Prayer prompts are integrated into weekly Small Group questions.
  • Extended times of prayer in Sunday gatherings.
  • Quarterly All Church Prayer and Worship Nights 


All Church Prayer and Worship Nights

Throughout the year, we meet as a church for All Church Prayer and Worship Nights. There is kids discipleship available for kids ages 0 to kindergarten offered with a curriculum that coincides with what will be prayed for in the Worship Center. Older kids are welcome to join us in the Worship Center for the Prayer and Worship Night!

Attending the All Church Prayer and Worship Night should be the priority of your small group that week.  You could still gather during your regular time in the week.  However, it may be difficult for some members to attend two events in a week.  In this case, we encourage members to attend the worship night instead of the regular small group.

The next All-Church Prayer & Worship Night is January 30th at 6:30 pm in the Worship Center. Kids Discipleship will be available for children aged 0-5.


Please consider discipling the next generation in prayer & worship by missing one of the All Church Prayer and Worship Nights to volunteer in Doxa Kids.  This will allow more families to attend, and the need for Doxa Kids volunteers would be met. If you are interested please fill out this form