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List of Pre-Approved Teachers:
Doxa's Channel of Right Now Media Content
Bible & Theology
Matthew Barrett
Voddie Baucham
G.K Beale
Joel Beeke
Alistair Begg
Rosaria Butterfield
Don “D.A." Carson
Bryan Chapell
HB Charles Jr
Mark Dever
Kevin DeYoung
Ligon Duncan III
Sinclair Fergusson
Wayne Grudem
Nancy Guthrie
Rachel Jankovic
Phil Johnson
John MacArthur
Albert Mohler
Kathleen Nielson
Dane Ortlund
Justin Peters
John Piper
Samuel D. Renihan
Paul Washer
Jen Wilkin
Douglas Wilson
Greg Bahnsen
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
JI Packer
RC Sproul
Charles Spurgeon
John Stott
Warren Wiersbe
Discipleship & Counseling
Brad Bigney
Jerry Bridges
Tim Challies
Jim Newheiser
David Powlison
Paul Tautges
Rick Thomas
Paul Tripp
Ed Welch
Ray Comfort
William Lane Craig
Brad Gray
Os Guinness
Ray Vander Laan
J. Warner Wallace
James White
Ministries (any author/teacher in this ministry is pre-approved)
9 Marks
Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC)
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (IBCD)
Ligonier Ministry
Banner of Truth
G3 Ministries
Founders Ministries
Apologia Studios
American Gospel
For The Church Institute
For The Gospel
Genesis Apologetics
Media Gratiae