We are committed to:

Faithful Stewardship

    God is the Ruler and Owner of all things, and all that we have is provided by him. This means that the proper term for us in relation to possessions and money is that of a steward.  A steward is one who manages, leverages, uses, and grows what belongs to the Master or Owner.  At Doxa, we take the stewardship of what God gives us with utmost seriousness, joyfully seeing all he provides as coming from his hands through his people.  We manage the church’s money in order to bring glory to his name, make disciples, and to serve, bless, and grow our church body. 

Mission Based Budgeting

    We allocate funds in accordance with our priorities and philosophy of ministry.  Rather than wait to see what is given and then take action, we make a plan ahead of time that guides our decisions. The mission of glorifying God by making disciples motivates us to spend our financial resources in a way that demonstrates our commitments. 

Being a Financially Healthy Church

    Financially healthy churches are churches that honor God.  It means we are accountable and transparent in appropriate ways and that we seek to establish reserves to navigate tumultuous times as well as funds to prepare for large investments and generous endeavors in the future.  Our stewardship processes are above reproach, and every dollar spent is accounted for.

The pages below are one way we seek to demonstrate truthfulness and openness about how money is managed and spent at our church.

2024-2025 Budget & Giving Page - This page will explain our current budget, with categories to see how funds are allocated and a monthly update of funds being given to the church.

How Is The Budget Created At Doxa? - This page explains the process and the people involved in creating our budget each year.

How Doxa Handles Money - Learn about how we handle money at Doxa, including the various systems in place for responsible stewardship and tracking.

Give Online - Conveniently and quickly set up recurring giving at Doxa, or give a financial gift one time.