Classes & Studies at Doxa
We are excited to announce a new model for classes here at Doxa!
1 Timothy 3 tells us that the role of pastor/elder includes teaching and that the church is the “pillar and buttress of the truth”. That means it is the clear responsibility of those in church leadership is to lead in teaching. As some of you heard at our October membership meeting, the pastors and elders have felt an increasing conviction to be more involved and intentional in the development and teaching of classes.
So, this Spring, Doxa pastors and elders will be introducing the first set of classes in a series of foundational classes that are being developed for the church body. The first three are Biblical Manhood, Biblical Womanhood, and Family Worship which will begin in February. You can learn more about these classes and register for them below.
You may be asking, what about the studies we’ve had in the past? Studies have served our church well in the past and we desire that they continue but they will become an extension of small groups. What does that mean? That means studies will continue to serve those who are already in small groups but will also be an avenue of connection for those who cannot participate in Doxa small groups and provide a connection point to existing small group members through studies. This approach will allow the church to foster a culture of discipleship and multiplication in studies, much like what happens in small groups. In this, existing leaders will look to raise up new leaders who can then multiply out, increasing the number of studies and providing greater access for those desiring to be in a study. As they arise, you can find studies that are available to the church at large at the bottom of this page.
We’re excited to venture into a new approach in discipleship, and are excited for you to join us for these pastor-taught classes!
Pastor-Taught Classes
Registrations for Spring pastor-taught classes are now open! Learn more and register below.
Family Worship
Sundays at 3 pm, February 16th to March 23rd
Family Worship is a simple and meaningful practice that helps your family grow together in faith and strengthen your bonds. It aligns with the command in Deuteronomy 6, urging us to draw our children’s hearts to the Lord at all times. Join us to discover practical tools and rhythms that will nurture spiritual growth and strengthen family connections for years to come, whether you have babies, older children, or want to be equipped for future seasons of family life.
Taught by Pastors Isaac Van Epps and Zak Graves
Biblical Manhood
Saturdays at 8 am, February 22nd to March 29th
Biblical Manhood will be a six-part course that challenges cultural stereotypes of masculinity, teaching that true manhood is not defined by the world, but by God’s word and understanding your identity in Christ and our God-given mandate to lead, provide, and protect in the home, church, and society. The class is open to married and single adult men, and will challenge you to live with courage and conviction, standing firm in the faith, and acting in love in all things.
Taught by Pastor Ralph King
Class is now full, but waitlist is available. Click the button below to join the waitlist.
Biblical Womanhood
Sundays at 1 pm, February 16th to March 23rd
Men and women were created equal, but different by God’s beautiful design. Join us for this 6-week course where we’ll discuss the biblical foundations and gospel implications of why we as men and women exist, our purpose, our fulfillment in Christ, and our value. We will also cover issues of the day, such as gender roles within the home, church, and society, as well as feminism and women in ministry.
Taught by Pastor Tyler Masters
Class is now full, but waitlist is available. Click the button below to join the waitlist.
As they arise, studies that are available for the church body will be available here. Check back regularly for updated studies!
Financial Peace University
Taught by Brian & Joanna Brabec
God calls us to be set apart, which includes how we handle our finances. The Bible teaches about money, wealth, greed, contentment and more as they pertain to our financial and spiritual lives. God owns it all and we are called to be good stewards of His blessings (Haggai 2:8, Psalm 24:1). Financial Peace University teaches the biblical principles of stewardship as well as the practical tools to manage God’s blessings, God’s way, for God’s glory.
Tuesdays 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, February 18th to April 15th