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Thank You for Three Years


As I reflect back on 3 years of ministry at Harvest, my heart is overwhelmed with thankfulness. Were I to speak of every form of thankfulness that has welled up in my heart, I would likely never stop writing. So in light of three years of ministry, I wanted to speak of my thankfulness in 3 ways......

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Financial Update 2016/2017


As we close out another fiscal year and look forward to another year of ministry, I stand amazed at all that God has accomplished through this church in just a few short years. I have always been convinced that if we go after the things on God's heart, God will take care of the things on our heart. And look what he has done: the ministries that have been built, the staff t...

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Goodbye Self


When you really read the words of Jesus, he said some outright difficult, even offensive things. Allow me to provide a few examples. "But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mk 10:43-45). "D...

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5 Tips for Spiritual Spring Cleaning


Spring cleaning. Some love it, most hate it. It's about cleaning out your gutters or taking out the lint from that gray accordion looking thing behind the dryer. Love it or hate it, you know you need to do it. But, there is more than one type of spring cleaning you should consider this year. Have you ever thought about Spiritual Spring Cleaning? It's the check-the-heart a...

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Does God ever give you more than you can handle?


"God will never give you more than you can handle." Have you ever heard that before? Sounds Christian enough... but is it even in the Bible? Truth is, the passage this phrase is based off of has nothing to do with storms or difficulties; it's actually talking about temptation. When the storms come, our comfort isn't "God will never give you more than you can handle." It...

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Celebrate Valentine's Day better than the world.


Tis the season for all things pink or red, all things hearts and chocolate, and all things "Valentine's Day makes me sick".It's the time when love is supposedly in the air and one or both of you are expected to do something original or spend more money than you have to put your love on display. Valentine's Day is upon us, and I have something to tell you: Christian, you n...

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Pastor Scott's New Year's Resolution for YOU


Pastor Scott's New Year's Resolution for You View/Print this as a PDF here! 12 Biblical reasons to be fired up about reading your Bible regularly in 2016: 1. January: I want to revitalize my spiritual life Psalm 19:7- The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. 1 Timothy 4:8-For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it ho...

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Christmas Trees, gifts, and candy canes - is there any Christian meaning to Christmas symbols?


You may be surprised to hear that not everything in Christmas is strictly commercialized. Although these days fake Christmas trees are being sold in October and billions of dollars are spent during the season, plenty cultural Christmas symbols have significant meaning in Christian tradition. Here are a few little known facts about popular Christmas staples. What does a Ch...

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What Should You Do With Santa?


As a kid, I grew up enjoying the fun and friendly notion of Santa. One Christmas tradition brought us annually to the mall for a night of dinner, presents, and of course holiday pictures with Santa Claus. As the oldest of four boys, I was the one trying to convince my younger brothers that Santa was not nearly as scary as he looked. On Christmas Eve, I remember getting rea...

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What is Advent and should I celebrate it?


Christmas can tend to be a mixed bag for many of us. It's both the most wonderful and the busiest time of the year. It's time for decorating your house inside and out, buying more presents than you probably want to, and losing all inhibitions regarding calorie counting and baking your brains out with all manner of ginger bread, snowman sugar cookies, and peppermint drinks....

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